Saturday, 18 April 2009

"I'm a model you know what I mean..."

'Male Model'
24 x 33 cm
Charcoal on Paper
Taken from Sarah Simblet's 'Anatomy for the Artist' book. I chose this model for the specific shadows around his face. I will be studying this book closer in future as it's a fantastic reference. Thanks to meeting Chuck Collins on my Redbubble site, he recommended the book to me!

HRH Piano

'Fit for a Princess (Oil)'
35 x 50 cm
Oil on Canvas
Many hours were spent starting and stopping on this painting. It was taken from a sketch I had previously drawn in sanguine. I am very pleased with it as it shows my progression and understanding of oil paints which are fast becoming a favourite!


'Version of Caspar David Friedrich's Original'
20 x 20 cm
Oil on Canvas
My interpretation of Friedrich’s original ‘Boat on the River Elbe in the Early Morning Mist’. I happened to like the painting while scanning through my art tutors reference books. Friedrich obviously had more patience than I did for the folliage in the foreground. First time doing a detailed mini painting and I got bored fiddling with the leaves, but it works quite well me thinks!

Clowning Around

'Kiddie Clown'
48 x 33 cm
Felt Pens on Paper
I was asked to design something to stick on a homemade ‘Penyata’ (excuse my spelling) you know the toy donkey children smash to pieces to get the sweets hiden inside! Fun to do!